Our Services

Nexus Insight aims to provide a unique approach that combines a global perspective with local expertise. As such, we aim to establish a network that extends from the heart of Malaysia to the rest of the world, delivering the best services to our clients. As Nexus, we are committed to being a leading actor in the field of security and intelligence, contributing to our clients' success and helping them overcome challenges around the globe in a safer manner.

Risk Analysis and Assessment

We provide in-depth analysis of political, regional, and economic risks in sensitive areas such as Far East, Asia, Africa, Ukraine, Russia, Syria, and Iraq, offering meaningful insights to our clients.

Regional Intelligence Reports

Nexus continuously monitors, analyzes, and provides clients with detailed intelligence reports on current developments and trends in these regions.

Investment Assessment

Clients can be provided with an evaluation of security and intelligence risks in the regions they plan to invest in. This can help them understand the risks and opportunities of potential investments.

Competitive Analysis

Clients can be assisted in analyzing competition and competitors in their industry, helping them create competitive advantages.

Product and Facility Security

Security strategies can be developed to protect clients' products and facilities against physical threats.

Lobbying Activities and Policy Analysis

By assessing political risks, clients can be assisted in communicating effectively with policymakers and adapting to policy changes.

Consultancy and Recommendations

Through expert consultants, we guide our clients on risk management and preparedness for potential scenarios.

Training and Awareness

Nexus enhances awareness by offering training to clients on how to be prepared against security threats in these regions.